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Saw this piece of news today and thought it was pretty cool!

Attention book-readers: KindleAmazon has an iPhone app that lets you do a lot of what you can do with a KindleAmazon, without the KindleAmazon. Also, Amazon says that a KindleAmazon Blackberry App is on the way as well! (yay!) So if you don't have access to a KindleAmazon or the 300-some odd dollars that it costs, have no fear!

Now, if you have a KindleAmazon already but forget it on a trip- you can access your KindleAmazon books using their Whispersync technology (and you won't have to pay extra since you already paid for the ebooks once).

You can learn more about the details here. You can also read an opinion article comparing the KindleAmazon 2 to the iPhone KindleAmazon app here.

I still prefer the real deal (real books) and go through about three to seven a week, but if they do come out with the Blackberry KindleAmazon App i think i may have to give it a try! Smile

Download the iPhone KindleAmazon App for free here.

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