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GeekDrop Badges, Pins and Descriptions!

GeekDrop Hacks and Help For Newbies - Badges, Pins and Descriptions

Wondering what those Badges mean?

Want to know how to get them?

Well, here's the complete list!


Title Description
Head Mucky Muck
Head Mucky Muck Big Poppa. The guy in charge of it all. His word is law 'round these parts.
Co-Admin. Cuz Even God Rested On The 7th Day
Co-Admin. Cuz Even God Rested On The 7th Day When STaRDoGG is taking yet another nap ...
Moderator (Watching Over The Masses)
Moderator (Watching Over The Masses) Keeping the Drop geeky, kosher, and all around pleasant.
Premium Member (Gold)
Premium Member (Gold)

You're trusted & have access to the Premium Member areas & Features. Where everything is hush-hush ... so... shh ...
Premium Member (Gold)
Premium Member (Silver) Feature and Access-wise, this is identical to the Gold Premium Member badge. The silver just signifies that you've earned your way into Premie, Gold means subscriber (Paid).
I'm Here to Help, & Have Proven It!
I'm Here to Help, & Have Proven It! For those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help others, or help out the GeekDrop site/community.
Joined The Dark Side
Joined The Dark Side Reserved for those members who know that the Dark Side craves more than "fluff". We don't eat cookies 'round here ... Wink *cracks beer*
Windows User
Windows User Be proud, say it loud, and show your love of all things Windows.
Mac User
Mac User Because you drank the Apple kool-aid and don't care who knows it!
Linux User
Linux User You figured Linux out, and want the world to know. Besides, who can resist a penguin??
Computer Dr.
Computer Dr. You can help clean up pesky viruses, successfully troubleshoot various hard to fix computer issues, & the members you've helped are grateful to you, the Computer Doctor.
I'm a Code Monkey!
I'm a Code Monkey! Find/Create a code and you'll have earned the right to rock this badge! And ... Free Premie!
The Steel Curtain
The Steel Curtain The CIA of badges. So, no peeking!
Banned Member (Way To Go!)
Banned Member (Way To Go!) Now ya really went and did it! This ain't easy to earn, and we don't pass them out often, so if you got one ... addios muchacho!
A Messiah (Leader of a popular GD Group)
A Messiah (Leader of a popular GD Group) You've started & maintain a popular GeekDrop group!
Loved & Adored
Loved & Adored Awwwww, doesn't this badge just make ya feel all squishy inside? Smile
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (5 Blogs)
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (5 Blogs) Are you a blogger? Get pinned! Post 5 quality blogs to get the first one, keep posting for badge upgrades! Each badge replaces the previous one.
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (15 Blogs)
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (15 Blogs) Upgraded Blogger Badge. 15 Quality Blogs.
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (30 Blogs)
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (30 Blogs) Upgraded Blogger Badge. 30 Quality Blogs.
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (55 Blogs)
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (55 Blogs) Upgraded Blogger Badge. 55 Quality Blogs.You're Gold now baby!
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (80 Blogs)
I'm a word nerd, read my blog! (80 Blogs) Upgraded Blogger Badge. 80 Quality Blogs.
I'm a Master Blogger! (100+ Blogs)
I'm a Master Blogger! (100+ Blogs) Congratulations Mark Twain! You're a Master Blogger!
(100+ Quality Blogs)
Former Phrozen Crew Member or Close Friend Of
Former PC Member or Close Friend Of From a time when the Internet was still the Wild Wild West ... *sigh*
(Note: This badge can't be earned)
STaRDoGG <3's You ;)
STaRDoGG <3's You Wink A VIP badge of sorts ... this badge shows that over time, you've stood out in STaRDoGG's eyes for one thing or another, usually for being a devoted, loyal GeekDropper, and helping GD to be the best it can be. There are no specific criteria, the DoGG is always watching, so one day this may just *pop!*, appear on your profile. While all GD members are appreciated, it's his special way of showing that you're very appreciated around here. Big Grin
Welcome, Unverified New GeekDropper!
Welcome, Unverified New GeekDropper! This badge denotes a new member who registered, but has not yet gone back into their email to verified their account.
If you have one of these, please check your email at the address you signed up with, and click the link we sent you. We just want to know you're real. Plus, you won't have full use of verified member member privledges until you do so.
I use a BlackBerry
I use a BlackBerry Lil badge to show others you're either using or have used a Blackberry. We add this so we can identify members who may be able to help other members with a Blackberry specific question. (And just because it's fun) Wink
I use an iPhone
I use an iPhone Lil badge to show others you're either using or have used an iPhone. We add this so we can identify members who may be able to help other members with an iPhone specific question. (And just because it's fun) Wink
I use Firefox
I use Firefox Lil badge to show others you're either using or have used Firefox. We add this so we can identify members who may be able to help other members with Firefox specific question. (And just because it's fun) Wink
I use Google Chrome
I use Google Chrome Lil badge to show others you're either using or have used Google Chrome. We add this so we can identify members who may be able to help other members with a Chrome specific question. (And just because it's fun) Wink
I use Internet Explorer
I use Internet Explorer Lil badge to show others you're either using or have used Internet Explorer. We add this so we can identify members who may be able to help other members with an IE specific question. (And just because it's fun) Wink
I use Konquerer
I use Konquerer Lil badge to show others you're either using or have used Konquerer. We add this so we can identify members who may be able to help other members with a Konquerer specific question. (And just because it's fun) Wink
I use Opera
I use Opera Lil badge to show others you're either using or have used Opera. We add this so we can identify members who may be able to help other members with an Opera specific question. (And just because it's fun) Wink
I use Safari
I use Safari Lil badge to show others you're either using or have used Apple Safari. We add this so we can identify members who may be able to help other members with an Apple Safari specific question. (And just because it's fun) Wink
I donated more than $20+ to GeekDrop!
I donated more than $20+ to GeekDrop! And to show our appreciation, you get this kick a$$ glowing star badge and our undying affection!
For more information on donations, please look here.
I donated to GeekDrop simply because I love it!
I donated to GeekDrop simply because I love it! And we love you back! Even MORE now! Wink
As a token of our appreciation, we hereby give you this sweet money badge! Every donation counts! Keep the Drop alive!
For more information on donations, please look here.
Is a FIERCE Competetor! 1st place contest winner!
Is a FIERCE Competetor! 1st place contest winner! Every now and again we have contests. This here badge shows that you kicked arse and left a footprint!
Is a FIERCE Competetor! 2nd place contest winner!
Is a FIERCE Competetor! 2nd place contest winner! Hey, second place definately ain't bad! Not to mention, ya get this smoooooth pin to prove it!
I took a bite of the Apple
I took a bite of the Apple If you own an iPhone, iPod or any other Apple product, be loud, be proud, show us your Apple stripes!
This is a subscriber based badge. To get this badge simply clicky© here!
Booga Booga Booga
Booga Booga Booga Members who possess (get it? "Possess?" Hee Hee ) this ghostly badge are able to view other member's profiles without leaving a trace! No other members will see that you visited them.
This is a subscriber based badge. To get this badge simply clicky© here!
I spend all day Photobucketing!
I spend all day Photobucketing! A picture is worth a 1000 words. Are you a Photobucket addict? Then this one's for you!
This is a subscriber based badge. To get this badge simply clicky© here!
I'm Magic
I'm Magic! This badge is for the cunning, sneaky, mayyybe even just a touch cocky types. It may just also be the coolest friggin' badge we've got!
This is a subscriber based badge. To get this badge simply clicky© here!
The Dr. left the stem off the apple!
The Dr. left the stem off the apple! Ladies, let us hear ya! This badge is almost like getting virtual breast implants! Hee Hee
This is a subscriber based badge. To get this badge simply clicky© here!
The Dr. put the stem on the apple!
The Dr. put the stem on the apple! Most guys know it's a little bit immasculating to be mistaken for a woman. Worry no more, just add this badge to your profile and it's like a virtual chest thumping, King Kong style baby! *grunts*
This is a subscriber based badge. To get this badge simply clicky© here!
Your Guess is as Good as Mine!
Your Guess is as Good as Mine! Cuz sometimes ya just don't want em' to know!
This is a subscriber based badge. To get this badge simply clicky© here!
The Joker
The Joker Lets everyone know you have that crazy fun sense of humor! And to check their seat for whoopee cushions whenever you're around!
This is a subscriber based badge. To get this badge simply clicky© here!
I gambled and won!
I gambled and won! This is a game based badge in which you must do something gamely to get it. However, we haven't instituted the game yet, so this is just a sign of things to come. Wink
Happy Birthday! (Cake)
Happy Birthday! (Cake) Our small way of showing ya that we don't mind that you're getting 1 more year closer to pushin' up dasies! Big Grin
Let us know when your birfday is! Clicky© here!
Happy Birthday! (Candles)
Happy Birthday! (Candles) Like most bad news, these things come in pairs! Ya can't have a birthday cake without the candles. How else would we know how many spankin's to give ya! Wink *claps hands together* *rubs to generate heat*

Note: Not all badges may be available. List also may not be complete or always up to date.

What Does It Mean When Someone Says "You got pinned?" (Or something similar)?
Unfortunately no, it doesn't mean you were pinned down by a group of Playboy models who had their way with you.
The term "Pin" simply is the GeekDrop way of saying "Badge". Smile

I Averaged: 2.6 | 100 votes

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