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Smartmom's picture

Welcome to the Drop!

Welcome to the Drop! - Well, now that you're here, please introduce yourself

You don't have to introduce yourself so no pressure - its just fun to get to know the new members, we would also love to know how you found us on the web Smile

Have a question or need help on any topic? Just create a post and ask away, and you will see lots of friendly faces willing to help out

Clockwork Utility's picture

Greetz, to all that new me and those who now do..

Tick tock Evenin all... Wha'ts news all?

Thought i'd drop in saw some memorable artwork and came head on with this forum on a new URL...

Will it be phrozen this christmas?

DuayneI's picture

Hello from Sturgis, SD, USA

Thumbs Up I am an IT Consultant and have been for 23 years. Love my work and enjoy finding new places with info and solutions. Wave

I Averaged: 3 | 3 votes
michaelross's picture

GeekDrop New member - Hello!

Hi New member - Hello
But Eail Not Received HELP PLEASE

I Averaged: 4 | 2 votes
matt6288's picture

postin @ 0400 Sydney

Wave hi all, thanks for having me... I'm just about to get ready for my fist day of a new job. Pumped. Ahhhhhh the honeymoon period.. let see how long that lasts.haha...

I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote
babynerd57's picture

Hello Hello

Hello everyone I just want to say hi to you guys
I am so excited and have a great time Wink

coolpra's picture

Hi Fellows

When I see GEEK, lot of things to learn...


virtue's picture


Hello my name is Michael.... just saying hi. I AM NEW TO THIS SITE

I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote
mTwo's picture


Hello everyone, I am looking forward to all the new things I will be learning. Yay knowledge!

I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote
bbcbbc.'s picture


just join geekdrop and am trying to get a hang at it

I Averaged: 2 | 1 vote

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