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Akamai NetSession - Is this a virus? What is it?

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OliveOyl's picture
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Can anyone tell me what is Akamai Netsession? Is it MalwareMalwarebytes Anti-virus / Anti-malware?

I was using my computer when I got a Comodo firewall notice telling that netsession_win.exe and installer_uploader.exe are trying to connect to the internet. Both of those files names sound suspicious especially when they just randomly pop up on my firewall. I blocked them both from connecting and looking at my firewall logs since, netsession_win.exe has continually tried to connect to the internet. I have heard of "Akamai" before though and thought they were a legitimate internet company?

{Moderator Note: The consensus is that Akamai Netsession is safe. It's a downloading software used by many big name software companies, as well as some smaller ones.}

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OliveOyl's picture
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Re: Akamai NetSession - Is this a virus? What is it? Screenshot

I took a screen shot of my Comodo firewall log to show what Akamai netsession is trying to do. It looks very trojan-like!

Akamai Netsession firewall screenshot - what is it? virus?

even more scary:: when I went to it's folder installer_uploader.exe doesn't even exist any more! And when viewing the installer.txt file it shows that it was trying to upload information! look::

installer.txt wrote:

V1010:111103_010310: [info] InstallerHelper.cpp:postInstallSteps(547): Successfully installed the client
V1001:111103_010311: [info] Installer.cpp:main(43): Started install log file uploader
V1001:111103_010311: [info] Installer.cpp:_ak_uploadLogs(2211): Uploading log file C:/Users/MyName/AppData/Local/Akamai/installer.txt, initial url is
V1001:111103_010311: [info] Installer.cpp:_ak_readOrGenerateGuid(1984): GUID "98205676376573245sgffdg674eaafd" loaded from existing file "C:/Users/MyName/AppData/Local/Akamai/guid.ini"
V1001:111103_010332: [eror] Installer.cpp:_ak_uploadLogs(2263): Failure opening socket to
V1010:111103_010332: [info] RS_Win32.cpp:RSWaitForProcessToExit(1023): Process executed with path 'C:/Users/MyName/AppData/Local/Akamai/installer_uploader.exe' exited with exit code 0.

{Mod Note: I took the liberty of obfuscating your user name in the screenshot in case you forgot to or didn't notice it was included. Smile }

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Re: Akamai NetSession - Is this a virus? What is it?

According to some Google searching it's installed with some games, and even Adobe Flashplayer and Adobe CS5 and uninstalling it (which you can do it straight from the control panel and it also has an uninstall.exe in it's folder) can cause problems with the programs that share it or use it. Don't completely take my word for it though because I agree that it acts suspiciously so hopefully someone who really knows more about it will give a reliable answer!

craaap's picture
Re: Akamai NetSession - Is this a virus? What is it?

awwww dang it...looks like you and i are heading in a world of ish! stupid mouse clicker was acting up and in the process of fixing it it clicked on the accept button when the firewall noticed popped up...... >:(

Akamai Netsession's picture
Akamai Netsession
Re: Akamai NetSession - Is a virus? What is it?

I have it on my computer too, and my virus scanner and MalwareMalwarebytes Anti-virus / Anti-malware detectors (I use SuperAnti Spyware and MalwareBytesMalwarebytes Anti-virus / Anti-malware) don't tell me it's anything suspicious... I don''t Know

t's picture
Re: Akamai NetSession - Is this a virus? What is it?

lots of people getting the same message in the past hour:

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Re: Akamai NetSession - Suspicious malware?

It also automatically adds itself to your Windows startup in the HKCU Registry Key (HKey_Current_User). You can temporarily disable it on the next boot by getting Mike Lin's Startup program and unchecking the box next to it, or delete it's entry altogether so it doesn't run on start up at all.

Akamai Netsession_win - suspicious activity
fans842's picture
Re: Akamai NetSession - Suspicious malware?

How do I find this HKCU registry key mentioned by Mike Lin... on my computer? give me step by step please since I'm not too computer smart Thanks

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Re: Akamai NetSession - Suspicious malware?

Hi, Fans842

That's just a small free program that you can download, to be able to view the HKCU  registry. You can download it from here.

Also, if you are using Windows 10 (I don't recall off the top of my head if it was in earlier versions of Windows), you can also see the same thing by just doing this:

  • Press the Windows Logo Key + X
  • Click on "Task Manager"
  • At the bottom of that window, click "More Details"
  • Click the "StartUp" tab
  • You should be able to see it there. To disable it, right-click on the item and choose "Disable"

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SloPoke's picture
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Re: Akamai NetSession - Is this a virus? FISHY AS HELL!

I got mine too but it happen last night instead of within the last hour, on my Windows Firewall. It says it's a p2p (peer 2 peer) program and suddenly we're all getting attempts to connect. I wonder if we're all trying to connect to each other! Like for some sort of DDOS attack or something? It might be helpful to view your firewall logs and do lookups on the IP addresses that it's trying to connect to. Comodo Firewall can show them as seen in Olive Oyl's screenshot.

It is very fishy! :WTF:

iamevc's picture
Re: Akamai NetSession - Is this a virus? FISHY AS HELL!

 there is no uninstall and this program not only downloads but will upload too on its own ,,,This seems very dangerous to me ...It only exists in a user file...i tried to contact the program and it needed a file to inspect for feedback duh

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