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  • Allowed HTML tags: <a> <p> <span> <div> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <img> <map> <area> <hr> <br> <br /> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <table> <tr> <td> <em> <b> <u> <i> <strong> <font> <del> <ins> <sub> <sup> <quote> <blockquote> <pre> <address> <code> <cite> <embed> <object> <strike> <caption> <thead> <th> <param> <style> <BGSOUND> <color> <center> <font-size> <script>

    This site allows HTML content. While learning all of HTML may feel intimidating, learning how to use a very small number of the most basic HTML "tags" is very easy. This table provides examples for each tag that is enabled on this site.

    For more information see W3C's HTML Specifications or use your favorite search engine to find other sites that explain HTML.

    Tag DescriptionYou TypeYou Get
    Anchors are used to make links to other pages.<a href="">GeekDrop | Your One-Stop Geek Drop</a>GeekDrop | Your One-Stop Geek Drop
    By default paragraph tags are automatically added, so use this tag to add additional ones.<p>Paragraph one.</p> <p>Paragraph two.</p>

    Paragraph one.

    Paragraph two.

    No help provided for tag span.
    No help provided for tag div.




    Header<h3>Subtitle three</h3>

    Subtitle three

    Header<h4>Subtitle four</h4>

    Subtitle four

    Header<h5>Subtitle five</h5>
    Subtitle five
    Header<h6>Subtitle six</h6>
    Subtitle six
    No help provided for tag img.
    No help provided for tag map.
    No help provided for tag area.
    No help provided for tag hr.
    By default line break tags are automatically added, so use this tag to add additional ones. Use of this tag is different because it is not used with an open/close pair like all the others. Use the extra " /" inside the tag to maintain XHTML 1.0 compatibilityText with <br />line breakText with
    line break
    By default line break tags are automatically added, so use this tag to add additional ones. Use of this tag is different because it is not used with an open/close pair like all the others. Use the extra " /" inside the tag to maintain XHTML 1.0 compatibilityText with <br />line breakText with
    line break
    Unordered list - use the <li> to begin each list item<ul> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ul>
    • First item
    • Second item
    Ordered list - use the <li> to begin each list item<ol> <li>First item</li> <li>Second item</li> </ol>
    1. First item
    2. Second item
    Definition lists are similar to other HTML lists. <dl> begins the definition list, <dt> begins the definition term and <dd> begins the definition description.<dl> <dt>First term</dt> <dd>First definition</dd> <dt>Second term</dt> <dd>Second definition</dd> </dl>
    First term
    First definition
    Second term
    Second definition
    Table<table> <tr><th>Table header</th></tr> <tr><td>Table cell</td></tr> </table>
    Table header
    Table cell
    No help provided for tag font.
    No help provided for tag quote.
    Block quoted<blockquote>Block quoted</blockquote>
    Block quoted
    No help provided for tag address.
    Coded text used to show programming source code<code>Coded</code>Coded
    No help provided for tag embed.
    No help provided for tag object.
    No help provided for tag strike.
    No help provided for tag caption.
    No help provided for tag thead.
    No help provided for tag param.
    No help provided for tag style.
    No help provided for tag BGSOUND.
    No help provided for tag color.
    No help provided for tag center.
    No help provided for tag font.
    No help provided for tag script.

    Most unusual characters can be directly entered without any problems.

    If you do encounter problems, try using HTML character entities. A common example looks like &amp; for an ampersand & character. For a full list of entities see HTML's entities page. Some of the available characters include:

    Character DescriptionYou TypeYou Get
    Greater than&gt;>
    Less than&lt;<
    Quotation mark&quot;"
  • Quoted content can be placed between [quote] tags in order to be displayed as an indented quote. Every [quote] tag must have a corresponding [/quote] tag. For example:

    [quote]This is a simple quote.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    This is a simple quote.

    Additionally, there is an optional attribute which allows quotes to specify the original author.

    [quote=Mr. Drupal]This is a quote with an attribution line.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    Mr. Drupal wrote:
    This is a quote with an attribution line.

    Finally, multiple [quote] tags can be nested within one another. Just remember that every [quote] tag must have a corresponding [/quote] tag.

          [quote]I think she says it best...
          [quote=Ms. Quotation]This is a quote nested within another quote.[/quote]
          but you can't argue with
          [quote=Ms. Reply]The more quotes, the merrier.
          Just don't get too carried away.[/quote]
          And I have nothing more to say.[/quote]
    is displayed as:

    I think she says it best...
    Ms. Quotation wrote:
    This is a quote nested within another quote.
    but you can't argue with
    Ms. Reply wrote:
    The more quotes, the merrier. Just don't get too carried away.
    And I have nothing more to say.
  • If you include a word in your post that's filtered (usually foul language), it will be replaced by the filtered version of the word.
  • If you include a textual smiley in your post (see chart below), it will be replaced by a graphical smiley.
  • Syntax highlighting of source code can be enabled with the following tags:

    • Generic syntax highlighting tags: "<code>", "<blockcode>".
    • Language specific syntax highlighting tags: "&lt;csharp&gt;" for C# source code, "&lt;css&gt;" for CSS source code, "&lt;html4strict&gt;" for HTML source code, "&lt;javascript&gt;" for Javascript source code, "&lt;php&gt;" for PHP source code, "&lt;vb&gt;" for Visual Basic source code, "&lt;vbnet&gt;" for source code, "&lt;xml&gt;" for XML source code.

    Options and tips:

    • The language for the generic syntax highlighting tags can be specified with one of the attribute(s): type, lang, language. The possible values are: "csharp" (for C#), "css" (for CSS), "html4strict" (for HTML), "javascript" (for Javascript), "php" (for PHP), "vb" (for Visual Basic), "vbnet" (for, "xml" (for XML).
    • Line numbering can be enabled/disabled with the attribute "linenumbers". Possible values are: "off" for no line numbers, "normal" for normal line numbers and "fancy" for fancy line numbers (every nth line number highlighted). The start line number can be specified with the attribute "start", which implicitly enables normal line numbering. For fancy line numbering the interval for the highlighted line numbers can be specified with the attribute "fancy", which implicitly enables fancy line numbering.
    • If the source code between the tags contains a newline (e.g. immediatly after the opening tag), the highlighted source code will be displayed as a code block. Otherwise it will be displayed inline.
    • Beside the tag style "<foo>" it is also possible to use "[foo]".


    • Default highlighting mode for generic syntax highlighting tags: the default language used for syntax highlighting is "html4strict".
    • Default line numbering: no line numbers.


    You typeYou get
    <code>foo = "bar";</code>Inline code with the default syntax highlighting mode.
    foo = "bar";
    baz = "foz";
    Code block with the default syntax highlighting mode.
    <code lang="javascript" linenumbers="normal">
    foo = "bar";
    baz = "foz";
    Code block with syntax highlighting for Javascript source code
    and normal line numbers.
    <code language="javascript" start="23" fancy="7">
    foo = "bar";
    baz = "foz";
    Code block with syntax highlighting for Javascript source code,
    line numbers starting from 23
    and highlighted line numbers every 7th line.
    foo = "bar";
    baz = "foz";
    Code block with syntax highlighting for C# source code.
    <csharp start="23" fancy="7">
    foo = "bar";
    baz = "foz";
    Code block with syntax highlighting for C# source code,
    line numbers starting from 23
    and highlighted line numbers every 7th line.
  • Lines and paragraphs are automatically recognized. The <br /> line break, <p> paragraph and </p> close paragraph tags are inserted automatically. If paragraphs are not recognized simply add a couple blank lines.
  • BBCode Guide

    BBCode allows you to specify formatting rules for your text, even if you are not allowed to use HTML in your posts. BBCode originated from the forum software named PHPBB, and this site has a special implementation of it.

    In BBCode terms, you use "tags" to add formatting to your text. Every tag is enclosed in [ and ] brackets. If you want to mark some region in your text, you need to use an opening tag and a closing tag. Closing tags start with [/, as you will see in the examples below. If you mistype a tag or forget to close it, you will not get the desired formatting.

    Simple text formatting

    BBCode allows you to make some parts of your texts stand out from the context by adding [b]old, [i]talic, [u]nderlined and [s]trikeout formatting to them. The [color], [size] and [font] tags allow you to change the color, size and font of portions of the text you enclose with these tags. Both require a parameter (which colour, how big, what font) that is suffixed to the name of the tag by an equals sign (example below). You should not repeat the parameter in the closing tag!

    You can specify any recognized color name (red, blue, green, white, etc.) or a hexadecimal color value (#CDCDCD, #FFFFFF, etc.) as the parameter of a [color] tag. The [size] tag allows you to set the font size between 6 and 48, 6 being the smallest size. Note that using very large text is considered by many to be annoying, and it is seldom a good idea to try to attract more attention to your post in this way. The [font] tag can be set to any valid font face, such as Arial, Arial Black, Courier, Courier New, Helvetica, Impact, Times New Roman, Verdana, etc.

    I [b]need to do[/b] this by the weekend I need to do this by the weekend
    John said that [i]we should[/i] ask her John said that we should ask her
    I [u]would not like to[/u] offend you I would not like to offend you
    Let's correct this [s]mispelled[/s] misspelled word Let's correct this mispelled misspelled word
    Jane was at [color=blue]the coast[/color] Jane was at the coast
    Joe was in [color=#FF0000]the forest[/color] Joe was in the forest
    You said: [size=30]HEY![/size] You said: HEY!
    She said: [font=Courier]What?[/font] She said: What?

    Creating links

    You have multiple options to specify links to other destinations in your posts.

    URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) starting with "www" or "ftp" (eg. are automatically recognized and replaced with links. You can also use the [url] tag with a parameter to specify a link with meaningful text to click on. If you use the url tag without the parameter, the enclosed text is assumed to be a URL, and a link is created to that destination.

    Email addresses in posts are also automatically converted to email links. For compatibility with common BBCode implementations, an [email] tag is provided.

    For more examples, visit For more examples, visit
    For more examples, visit For more examples, visit
    If you have questions ask me at [email protected] If you have questions ask me at [email protected]
    If you have questions ask me at [email][email protected][/email] If you have questions ask me at [email protected]
    We use [url=]the example site[/url] in these examples We use the example site in these examples
    We use [url][/url] in these examples We use in these examples

    Displaying images

    The [img] tag allows you to display an image in your post. You need to specify a URL to the image, so it needs to be accessible somewhere on the internet. Beware of adding very large images to your text, or the page will load very slowly!

    If you enclose a URL in an [img] tag, then it will be replaced with code to display the image. For example A good screenshot: [img][/img] will show you the screenshot (if it exists).

    You can also specify the desired display dimensions of the image by adding a dimension parameter to the [img] tag. A good screenshot: [img=640x480][/img] will display the image in 640x480 (though the full image will be downloaded). Do not use this to show a thumbnail of an image!

    You are free to link an image to an external destination by enclosing the [img] tag with a [url] tag: See [url=][img][/img][/url].

    Ordered and unordered lists

    The simplest list type is the unordered list, which means that there is no numbering applied to the elements. You can make such a list by enclosing the list elements in [list] opening and closing tags. Specify the start of one element with the [*] list element marker, which has no closing tag pair.

    To create an ordered list, you should add a parameter to the [list] list tag specifying what type of ordered list you would like to see. The possible parameters are "i", "I", "1", "a", "A", "c", "d" and "s" which all correspond to the display of the first list element.

    I love
    I love
    • Oranges
    • Apples
    • Bananas
    I love
    I love
    1. Oranges
    2. Apples
    3. Bananas
    I love
    I love
    1. Oranges
    2. Apples
    3. Bananas

    Fixed-width text and block formatting

    You can use the [code] tag to add an inline fixed-width formatted part or to add a block of (usually program) code. If there is any newline present between the opening and closing tags, then a block will be displayed.

    Similarly, the [php] tag can be used to post PHP code. PHP code will automatically be syntax highlighted for easier readability.

    Edit your [code]robots.txt[/code] file Edit your robots.txt file
    An HTML title example:
     <title>Page Title</title>
    An HTML title example:
     <title>Page Title</title>
    Some PHP code:
    function hello()
      echo "Hello World!";
    Some PHP code:
    function hello()
    "Hello World!";

    Text and block alignment

    You can also set the alignment of the text by using [left], [right] and [center] tags. The [float] tag can be used to place floating boxes in the text (especially handy for images). You can specify the direction of the floating with [float=left] and [float=right]. The [justify] tag can be used justify text on both sides of the page.

    Other supported tags

    It is possible to quote something that has already been posted, by just putting [quote][/quote] tags around it. To quote a specific person, use something like [quote=John]. Quote tags can be nested.

    The [sub] and [sup] tags can be used to add subscript and superscript text. For example, H[sub]2[/sub]O gives H2O, while X[sup]3[/sup] gives X3.

    The [acronym] tag allow you to identify text as an acronym and provide a description when users move their mouse over the tag. For example, [acronym=Structured Query Language]SQL[/acronym] produces SQL.

    The [abbr] tag allow you to identify text as an abbreviation and provide a description when users move their mouse over the tag. For example, [abbr=World Wide Web]WWW[/abbr] produces WWW.

    The [notag] tags prevent text inside the tags from being parsed. This allows you to give examples of BBcode and not have it converted to HTML. For example: [notag]These [b]tags[/b] are not rendered[/notag] will produce "These [b]tags[/b] are not rendered".

    The [hr] tag draws a horizontal line across the page. Handy for separating chunks of text.

    Using multiple formatting tags

    You can apply more than one formatting specification to a portion of some text. I was at [b][i]the coast[/i][/b] will be rendered as I was at the coast.

    Make sure that you take care of the proper order of the opening and closing tags. You should close the tags in the opposite order in which you opened them. Otherwise you might get very strange rendering results. Also check your post with the preview function before submitting it, in case there are formatting errors due to improper BBCode usage.

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