Sound familiar?
I was recently getting this error (AIP-701) on the NetflixNetflix password.
app on my NSZ-GS7 GoogleTV box (GTV), whenever I would try to play any movie or TV show. It just happened out of nowhere. Turns out the solution is simple; the most annoying part of it is that you'll need to re-enter your
OMFG! So, I thought I would pass this little gem on. I got a new DVD player (actually I got two of them) after a good friend bought some and loved them. Here's a link to it, below.
I know at some point in time we've all come across these terms while searching torrents and NewsGroups, but what the Hell do these terms really mean?
These words all describe the QUALITY of a video in one way or another, as released by the "scene". I recently came across a great page with information that describes them all very well, and I wanted to re-post here for posterity, and to help more people find the answers:
So, I get a new email from Netflix, and ALSO get a notice when I log into Netflix on my Roku, that says:
From our reports it seems that this usually happens on PS3 systems (Sony playstation), but may also happen on others. We also have one report here on the GeekDrop help forums of it happening after they used our Netflix Error AIP-701 hack.
Sometimes it also says:
Oh yes ...we're going straight to Hell for this one.
Hello guy's,
I inform you that a new Movie coming soon. Resident Evil: Retribution is coming on 14 September of next month Directed by cool directer Paul W.S.Anderson. It's an action movie. I am very excited to watch it. Guys if you have more information about other movies that are coming next month please discuss with me.....................
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