Lately there's been a lot of these fun "Status Tag Lists" going around, and I'll admit, they're fun!! Here are the one's that I've seen SO far, feel free to add them to your Facebook statuses too. If you do, please be kind enough to click the Like button on this page
And if you know of more or see more, or think of your own, please add them in a comment so we can have a huge list of great ones!
To use these, just copy / paste them to your Facebook status, and after each name, do an "@<the friend's name>", and it'll tag each person in blue with a link to their profile, and will also show the post on that friend's wall. So for example, using the Seven Dwarves one you would choose the first 7 friends in your Facebook friends list that you see by going to your main profile page, on the left, and it would look like: Sneezy: @joe schmoe, Sleepy: @Jane doe, right on down the list. Like the screenshot below:
Who are your 7 Dwarfs?
Don't cheat ... look at your friends list on the left of your profile page and list them in order.
You're at a strip club ... use the first six people on your friends list in your profile! Do NOT CHEAT!
Look at your profile and use the first 9 friends on the left ... Don't Cheat!
I threw a party ... Here's what happened:
DRUNKEN BAR FIGHT: Go to your profile, use the first eight people on your friends list in order!
ROAD TRIP!! Rules: Go to your profile and look at your first 7 friends on the left side.
You Throw A Party. Go To Your Profile, Look At Your First 10 Friends On The Side:
Say you're Harry Potter!
Go to facebook and look at your first 7 friends on the right side.
how do i click "Like" for this page? i enjoy posting them on my statueses so i can get a reaction out of my friends :-)
how do i click "Like" for this page? i enjoy posting them on my statuses so i can get a reaction out of my friends
Hi Christine!
Sorry for the delay, the easiest way right now would just be to paste the link to this page as a status on your Facebook page.
Then people will see the title of the page and easily be able to click/tap it to come to the page.
Here's the link to this page:
Hope that helps!
HI! Thank you for the list, I LOVE these--so fun!! Heres a Kindergarten one that I just came across!
Please post more people!
You throw a Halloween Costume Party...go to your profile, look at your friends list on left, and put them in the order they appear:
Go to your profile. Look to your left. First 7 friends are your zombie apocalypse team.
You're in a mental hospital. Use the first six people on your friends list.
You Violated the law, while at the court house, you run into the following people for different crimes, what have they done? List the first 10 people on your profile page, NO Cheating!
There is only 9
Two I made up
The X-files profile thing - first seven people on your friends list
From the fellowship of the ring - look at the first seven people in your friends list and list them in order
Single & Looking
Loving this feature too... I guess it's serving its purpose of bringing more fun to facebook. Thank you for your samples, Imma try one of 'em.