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The GeekDrop Badge Shoppe (For Yourself)

These are unique GeekDrop badges that you may subscribe to for your own account. Not only are badges fun for all, but they also help to support GeekDrop! For a complete list of all GeekDrop badges, click here.

Note: Once you add a badge to your profile, it will appear on your profile automatically within an hour. If it has an "effect" along with the badge, the effect will be instant, even if the actual badge hasn't shown on your account yet.

Each badge, including those with an effect, will expire after 3 months. They automatically renew for your convenience. You may cancel it at anytime, which will take effect immediately.

GeekDrop Badge Shoppe Badge: The Joker!

The Joker Badge
Subscribe to the "Joker" Badge for your profile for only $2.37 and let everyone know you have that crazy fun sense of humor!

Effect: None

Badge: Booga Booga Booga!

Booga Booga Booga
Subscribe to the "GeekDrop Ghost" Badge for your profile for only $3.40 and sneak around unseen!

Effect: On GeekDrop when you visit someone elses profile, they can see you have been there and when by going to their "User Visits" tab. When you have this badge, your visits will no longer be seen on anyones profiles

Badge: Female. (The Dr. left the stem off the apple!)

The Dr. left the stem off the apple!
Subscribe to the "Female" Badge for your profile for only $1.85 so no one will accidently think you're a Longshoreman from Jersey. Oh!

Effect: None

Badge: Male. (The Dr. put the stem on the apple!)

The Dr. put the stem on the apple!
Subscribe to the "Male" Badge for your profile for only $1.85 so ya don't get called a Sally!

Effect: None

Badge: Unisex. (Your Guess is as Good as Mine!)

Your Guess is as Good as Mine!
Subscribe to the "Unisex" Badge for your profile for only $1.85. Cuz sometimes ya just don't want em' to know!

Effect: None

Badge: Magic 8 Ball. (I'm Magic)

I'm Magic
Subscribe to the "Magic 8 Ball" Badge for your profile for only $2.37. You want this one for sure, eh? "Signs point to yes".

Effect: None

Badge: Photobucketeer. (I spend all day Photobucketing!)

I spend all day Photobucketing!
Subscribe to the "Photobucketeer" Badge for your profile for only $2.37. When you love to spend all day on Photobucket, or any other of the photogallery websites on the internet, this badge is calling out to you! Can't-cha hear it?

Effect: None

Badge: Apple. (I took a bite of the Apple)

I took a bite of the Apple
Subscribe to the "Apple" Badge for your profile for only $2.37. If you own an iPhone, iPod or any other Apple product, be loud, be proud, show us your Apple stripes!

Effect: None

More to come soon!

I Averaged: 4 | 1 vote

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