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Phrozen Crew Hit National Headlines - Commentary from Archimede

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Phrozen Crew Hit National Headlines

Well it was bound to happen sooner or later, Phrozen Crew 98 have had the destinction of being featured in "The Australian" which is Australia's largest daily newspaper. you can view a JPEG copy of the article here.

The article was centred around a software manufacturer Odyssey Development who feels that the "Underworld" had decided to focus it's energies on them ( some software manufacturers have a great "Self Awareness problem" ) , and that Phrozen Crew were out to get them ..(are you guy's out to get em ? ) . Mr Davies was quoted in the article as saying He was surprised that a group like Phrozen Crew had decided to take an interest in Hindesight , considering the full product could be purchased for 9.95, He said the reason for cracking the software was not financial "It's part ego and part challenge crackers are cracking everything".

I happen to be in #pc98 when news of this article broke, and I can tell you now that the members of Phrozen crew were absolutely ecstatic that they had made the National Headlines, it just goes to show that if you stick a few people in a room they'll accomplish the impossibe give them give them a leader and they'll rule the world.. tKC "founder" and Archimede "President and Leader" of Phrozen Crew have taken a small cracking group and transformed it to the finely honed and most organised cracking group on the net today, no other group can boast the wealth of knowledge and technical ability that is Phrozen Crew 98.

Phrozen Crew Respond To News Article

After getting adverse publicity yesterday from "The Australian" , (see related article below) , Archimede "President and Leader of PC98" released this statement defence of Phrozen Crew in relation to claims and allegations made by Mr.Davies company Odyssey Development .

Phrozen Crew have never intentionally targeted a Software company in anyway, we take requests from people in news groups or through IRC to disable or remove time limiting protection schemes or nag screens. It has never been our policy to single out any individual company or as Mr. Davies put's it in the news article "focus our periscope on them".

Software manufacturers shouldn't see us as a threat to there financial stability, rather they should learn from techniques we employ, and use the knowledge they gain to better protect there products. Presently a large portion of the protection schemes employed by software makers take little more than 5 minutes to crack, If they learned from there mistakes and developed a better system then it would take us longer to crack there protection , anything that takes more than a few hours is a waste of our resources and usually not worth the time it takes to crack the program or utility.

I'd also like to point out here to all software makers that if we didn't crack your program then somebody else would, if you stop us you can rest assured that 10 others will take our place, if we didn't post to news groups then you would never have known the product had been cracked, and as Mr. Davies pointed out in the article the people that use the cracks we develop were more than likely never going to buy your program anyway, so the company is no worse off than if we had never made the cracks at all, as I see it there is only one sure way of stopping your software from being cracked, and that is to remove the code altogether...make your products crippleware in this way your product is guaranteed against Groups such as Phrozen Crew and the countless others that make up the warez scene..

Archimede "President of PC98"


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Re: Phrozen Crew Hit National Headlines - Commentary from ...

Anyone know whatever happened to Archi? I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since he tried to end PC back around, what was it, 99?

Shhh.. dont tell anyone, but we also have a private forum area with the really good stuff, see?

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