Here's a handy chart reference for anyone confused as to the differences between Geeks & Nerds.
Oh yes ...we're going straight to Hell for this one.
Well in this day and age of crappy robomusic, "sampling" other peoples music and making it "your own", talking over background music (rapping I guess it's called ), and "artists" not even singing live for their fans after you've paid your hard earned money to see them, I thought it was funny that something as important as singing for the President of the Free World, today's mainstream beloved "stars", in this case Beyonce Knowles, won't even sing it from her own throat, while a cheesy Elvis Presley impersonator (albeit a pretty good one I think, since I'm not much of an Elvis fan and he's
A video sent to us of one of our GeekDrop Girls drunk, on a cruise, and singing karaoke (Bonnie Tyler's infamous Total Eclipse of the Heart).
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This is a funny list of texting codes for senior citizens that I saw someone post on Facebook, be sure to share it with any senior citizen's you may know, I'm sure they'll get a kick out of it!
Here's a video of a very little boy having a slap contest with his father. In this day and age of political correctness, over-protectivness, and the eagle eye on everything everyone does, would you consider this funny, or child abuse? If you saw this in person would you laugh or call child protective services?
Sometimes the best videos are the ones that are complete accidents! This is hilarious! Enjoy...
How can anyone not love little kittens!
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