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Google Chrome usually updates itself by putting an Update program in your start-up, but sometimes you may need to (or just want to) update it yourself, or just check check for an update, so here's how to do it.
For some reason all of the sound in my Google Chrome browser doesn't work. Anything that lays audio like YouTube videos, Facebook videos, SiriusXM internet player and things like that don't give any errors, and they look like they're playing, but just silence. I know that my whole computer isn't being affected though because I can still play sound in other browsers like Firefox at the same time.
I keep getting the same spam website showign over and over in my Google search results for some search terms, and there are also some websites that I just don't want to see the reuslts of but always come up (looking at you, &! ), is there some way to filter these out so they never show in my search results? I'd be forever grateful!!
Does anyone know if Google Alerts is still working? I've been using it for years and lately (for a long time now) I never get any alerts sent to me, even though I know that there should be new ones. Is this only happening to me?
Where did the Google Cache links under URL's in search results go? I don't see them under ANY returned results? I used to use these ALOT when a page might be dead or something. I hope they didn't remove them, it was one of the great features of Google that made it a unique search engine!
So recently I've been hearing about Google Instant. What is it ?
"Should you activate Google Instant Search, you'll start seeing search results as soon as you start typing. You'll also be shown a range of possible queries in grey to refine your options, all before you ever hit the "Search" button."
Email is such a important part of our daily lives and having your email do what you would like is so important. With Gmail you can customize it with Labs. I know in previous threads we have talked about this before however there are new labs out there so you might want to check it out again. So if your are not familiar with Labs you can kinda think of them as apps for your Gmail.
At the top of your Gmail click on the green hourglass or if you don't have that then click on "Settings"
Have you ever started off investigating one topic and it takes you in a different direction? Well that is what happened here. I started off investigating a rumor that Google is in the works of cranking out a social website called "Google Me" I read about it on VentureBeat where they talk about how Google plans to go against Facebook.
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