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How Many PC Members?

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hackerukphrozencrew's picture
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STaRDoGG's picture
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Re: How Many PC Members?

Hey HUK, ltns. Smile

Off the top of my head, most of the PC membs from around the 98+ PC era (and many +v friends) have shown up here to say Hi, though several are still MIA (i.e. tHATDUDE, DaVinci, and some others). Pre 98 era, not as many (i.e. No Saltine, no XLogic, no LordByte, no Baloosh, no Kristina, no tKC, etc.).

Unfortunately, it seems no matter who's .hosting a PC member's forum these days, PC members just aren't all that into "hanging out" together anymore, and have scattered throughout the internet, some never to be heard from again, Laughing.

I've added you as a PC member, so you have access to our private PC forum as well now. You can check out posts from all PC'ers who've posted here in the public PC fourm too.

CRowmAN's picture
Re: How Many PC Members?

There's still another ex mem flitting around the internet just found here.

I eve popped on Irc today for first time in years s but it's dead Sad


taylor^'s picture
Re: How Many PC Members?

kissssssssssssssssssssss!!! Smile

overkill's picture
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Re: How Many PC Members?

hacker UK, another classic member from the PC days.. hit me up with a msg brother.. would love to chat and idle with ya!!


aqua's picture
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Re: How Many PC Members?

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overkill's picture
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Re: How Many PC Members?

howdy aqua.... Nice to see a familiar name : )

aqua's picture
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Re: How Many PC Members?

Hi hi! I couldn't type in my previous post, this is quite the terrible form to use in Chrome. So, the only thing I could do was post flag icons.

So, yea. I guess no messaging on this board, can't figure out how to get in touch. STaRDoGG : give me a method to contact you!

overkill's picture
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Re: How Many PC Members?

Yeah I don't know if the message thing works either. I have msg sdc about 15 times.. Nothing.. So not sure if it's me, or its him or its the board?? You can try twitter as well, but I was "ignored" there as well

BRIANNA's picture
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Re: How Many PC Members?

Hi guys! Wave

STaRDoGG gets caught up in all of his other projects a lot, so he comes on here a lot less than he used to, but me and a couple of others mind the shop while he's afk. Smile You can email him here though, and he'll get it.

He is aware of the form misbehaving in Chrome though (same thing happens in Opera) and said it's on his list of todo's as soon as he gets time to work on it. Firefox, Safari, Edge and IE all still work OK though! Big Grin

nitallica's picture
Birmingham, Alabama
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Re: How Many PC Members?

Hey Aqua, I seem to have lost your email and can't message you on here (cuz you're not premium Tongue).  Could you holler at me for a sec?  my nym at gmail dot com por favor


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