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STaRDoGG's picture
Head Mucky MuckJoined the Dark SidePremium Member (Gold)I'm a Code Monkey!The Steel CurtainI use FirefoxI use Google ChromeI use Internet ExplorerI use SafariLinux UserMac UserWindows UserI donated to GeekDrop simply because I love it!Booga Booga BoogaI took a bite of the AppleFormer Phrozen Crew MemberI'm MagicMember of VileThe Dr. put the stem on the apple!The JokerSomeone thinks you're udderly delightful!
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Joined: 01/14/2009
Posts: 2622
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Mood: Energetic
Re: Happy Birthday GeekDrop!

*Steps up to the mic*

*tap tap*

*this thing on?*

-microphone feeds back-

*clears throat*

*straightens collar*

Thanks for the thanks everyone, I'm enjoying building the site as much as you all love using it. There were growing pains, and still will be, but there's ALOT planned and already in the works, so it'll just keep getting better and better. But like my two awesome, and *incredibly* hard working mods already said for me, it's the members who make the site what it is and eventually will turn out to be. I'm just the DJ here. Tongue

For the day, in celebration, we've opened up the premium area of the forums to everyone. One day only! Enjoy!

So thanks to my mods and all the members for being here for all of the fun, and stick around, invite friends and family, and lets party! Party


Now, for all interested, step into the conference room (aka the forums), we have lots of finger foods, and edible things on little sticks! Wink

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn




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