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How to get a free name change in SWTOR

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Evil Monkey's picture
Evil Monkey
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Sometimes while making a character we might screw up, or even the game screws up, and you hate the name you've ended up with...

So how do we do a free name change in SWTOR?

  1. Well the first thing to do, is go ahead and make a free trial account. This prep work is necessary to guarantee the name change. Simply refer yourself a free-trial key, to a separate email address. You can use a mailinator or even a gmail account, which-ever floats your boat.

  2. Then go ahead and delete the character you want to change the name of. There is no risk in this, but it does take some willpower.

  3. Now go ahead and log into the other account and make the same character name as the old one, on the same server. Make sure you log into the character to set the name.

  4. Log Out of the free trial account, and log back into the main account, with the now deleted character.

  5. Contact customer support and tell them you were really tired and accidentally deleted your main character. You had no intention of this, and are really tired/drunk/???… blah blah blah.

  6. Wait for them to restore your character. When they restore it, you will be forced to change the name when you log into the character.

    Note: Using the keyword "scooby" (see reference post) may increase the speed at which they restore your character, however you should only do this if the ticket is deleted, so as not to draw suspicion.

Beesodd| BioWare Customer Service - Forum Support wrote:

Greetings TerribleBeauty,

I am sorry to hear about the issues that you have been encountering.

If your ticket regarding your deleted character has disappeared, we will ask you to create a new ticket, and in it please include the keyword "Scooby" in order to get it sent to the specialised Character Restore team as fast as possible.

The issue with Diplomacy returning incorrect numbers of lightside or darkside points is a known one, and we hope to resolve it as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these issues.

SWTOR - How To Get A Free Name Change For Your Character Exploit
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Re: How to get a free name change in SWTOR
Evil Monkey wrote:

Then go ahead and delete the character you want to change the name of. There is no risk in this, but it does take some willpower.

OMG, that's funny... Had to register to reply. Yo, just imagine that you're gonna go ahaid and delete your character - you'd have to be dumb as hell to do that, LOLz. xD

Edit: Alright, it may be a novel idea - but, to -actually- attempt it - and hope that nothing will go wrong (Murphy's law, right); IMO, that'll take a lot moar than some willpower, heh.

There are other sites which talk about logging into the SW:TOR (web site) and finding the /a "Character Rename" option - however, that seems nowhere to be found; so, there's still the question of how to rename?! Thanks!! Smile

xxx's picture
Re: How to get a free name change in SWTOR

I tried it and it didn't work. I don't know if your article mentions it, but it looks like you have to be a subscriber.

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