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Save the Phrozen Crew Wikipedia Page!

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STaRDoGG's picture
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Phrozen Crew on Wikipedia

The meagerly cared for Phrozen Crew page on Wikipedia is currently under fire. it has been marked for deletion, and it's being discussed whether the Phrozen Crew was "notable" enough to have a Wikipedia page. WTF

Voice your thoughts, was PC notable enough to have earned some real estate on the almighty Wikipedia? Or should Phrozen Crew be swept into oblivion, left only to the memories of those who experienced the "Golden Era of Cracking" themselves?

The discussion page on Wikipedia is here.

P.S. You may also post your opinions here on GeekDrop, and we will place a link to this thread on the Wikipedia discussion page, (and if you really want to help, do both Tongue ).

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overkill's picture
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Re: Save the Phrozen Crew Wikipedia Page!

 Trying to stay Bias,  SERIOUSLY....

 Everyone who was involved in the "Scene" knows who they were and what they did...and what they accomplished.....Blah Im just a kid but the names from the "CREW" where my Batman and Robin.
... I just had names Like( no particular order) SaLtIne, tKc, STARDOGG,TUC,Alphex Twin,...MR.NOP.....Amadeus` (cause he's one my bros) shoot I could go on forever and name everyone on the NFO file Laughing....
names like +Fravia, +ORC ugggg I could name everyone from 80-95
 Nitallica and the SATUF pages

Anyways, I didn't have anything solid proof that PC has changed anyone else for the better, but as for me.....Im grateful  ; )

UnHoLyWar's picture
Re: Save the Phrozen Crew Wikipedia Page!

I think Phrozencrew has notariety enough to be on Wikipedia.

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